Source code for spherov2.scanner

import importlib
from functools import partial
from typing import Iterable, List, Type, Callable

from spherov2.commands.sphero import Sphero
from spherov2.toy import Toy
from spherov2.toy.bb8 import BB8
from spherov2.toy.bb9e import BB9E
from spherov2.toy.bolt import BOLT
from import Mini
from spherov2.toy.ollie import Ollie
from spherov2.toy.r2d2 import R2D2
from spherov2.toy.r2q5 import R2Q5
from spherov2.toy.rvr import RVR
from spherov2.toy.sprk2 import Sprk2

class ToyNotFoundError(Exception):

def all_toys(cls=Toy):
    subtypes = cls.__subclasses__()
    yield cls
    for sub in subtypes:
        yield from all_toys(sub)

[docs]def find_toys(*, timeout=5.0, toy_types: Iterable[Type[Toy]] = None, toy_names: Iterable[str] = None, adapter=None) -> List[Toy]: """Find toys that matches the criteria given. :param timeout: Device scanning timeout, in seconds. :param toy_types: Iterable of toy types (subclasses of :class:`Toy`) that needs to be scanned. Set to ``None`` to scan all toy types available. :param toy_names: Iterable of strings of toy names that needs to be scanned. Set to ``None`` to scan toys with all kinds of names. :param adapter: Kind of adapter to use for scanning bluetooth devices. Set to ``None`` to use default :class:`BleakAdapter`. :return: A list of toys that are scanned. """ if adapter is None: adapter = importlib.import_module( 'spherov2.adapter.bleak_adapter').BleakAdapter if toy_names is not None: toy_names = set(toy_names) if toy_names is not None and len(toy_names) == 1: toy = adapter.scan_toy(list(toy_names)[0], timeout) if toy is None: return [] toys = [toy] else: toys = adapter.scan_toys(timeout) if toy_types is None: toy_types = set(all_toys()) ret = [] for toy in toys: if is None: continue if toy_names is not None and not in toy_names: continue for toy_cls in toy_types: toy_type = toy_cls.toy_type if and \ (toy_type.prefix is None or ret.append(toy_cls(toy, adapter)) break return ret
[docs]def find_toy(*, toy_name: str = None, **kwargs) -> Toy: """Find a single toy that matches the criteria given. :param toy_name: A string of toy name that needs to be scanned. Set to ``None`` to scan toy with all kinds of names. :param timeout: Device scanning timeout, in seconds. :param toy_types: List of toy types (subclasses of :class:`Toy`) that needs to be scanned. Set to ``None`` to scan all toy types available. :param adapter: Kind of adapter to use for scanning bluetooth devices. Set to ``None`` to use default :class:`BleakAdapter`. :return: A toy that is scanned. :raise ToyNotFoundError: If no toys could be found """ toys = find_toys(toy_names=[toy_name] if toy_name else None, **kwargs) if not toys: raise ToyNotFoundError return toys[0]
find_Sphero: Callable[..., Sphero] = partial(find_toy, toy_types=[Sphero]) find_Ollie: Callable[..., Ollie] = partial(find_toy, toy_types=[Ollie]) find_Mini: Callable[..., Mini] = partial(find_toy, toy_types=[Mini]) find_BB8: Callable[..., BB8] = partial(find_toy, toy_types=[BB8]) find_BB9E: Callable[..., BB9E] = partial(find_toy, toy_types=[BB9E]) find_R2D2: Callable[..., R2D2] = partial(find_toy, toy_types=[R2D2]) find_R2Q5: Callable[..., R2Q5] = partial(find_toy, toy_types=[R2Q5]) find_RVR: Callable[..., RVR] = partial(find_toy, toy_types=[RVR]) find_BOLT: Callable[..., BOLT] = partial(find_toy, toy_types=[BOLT]) find_Sprk2: Callable[..., Sprk2] = partial(find_toy, toy_types=[Sprk2])